Pipe Columns, Girders & Poles
Venting and Drainage Hole Placement/Dimensions for Pipe Columns & Girders, Street Light & Transmission Poles
(With base-plates and with or without cap-plates)
Location of Openings
- The end completely open, withthe same diameter as the section top and bottom is the most desirable fabrication.
- If full opening is not allowed, this is an equal substitute.
- If full opening is not allowed, this is an equal substitute.
- If full opening is not allowed, this is an equal substitute.
- When no holes are allowed int he cap or base-plate, two half-circles 180 degrees apart and at opposite ends of the pole must be used.

For pipe 3" (8 cm) and greater openings must be at least 30% of the cross-sectional area of the pipe at each end and for pipe smaller than 3" (8 cm) 45% of the cross-sectional area for pipe.
- End completely open
- Slot A = 3/4" (19 mm), Center Hole B = 3" (7.6 cm) in diameter
- Half Circle C = 1 3/4" (4.5 cm) radius (examples of sizes for 6" (15 cm) diameter section)
- Oval Opening = 1 3/4" (4.5 cm) radius
- Half Circle D = 5/8" (1.9 cm) radius