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Seminar Descriptions

The Galvanize It! seminar series has been a staple of the AGA for many years. Knowledge is power; thus, we want to empower as many specifiers as possible with up-to-date information on hot-dip galvanized steel. The AGA currently offers the following Galvanize It! seminars:

Asu Parking

Core Galvanize It! (View Outlines)

Formats: 1- and 2-hour in-person; 1-hour online; 1-hour webinar
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

The Core Galvanize It! seminar introduces you to the basics of hot-dip galvanized steel. For more than 100 years, hot-dip galvanizing has been a mainstay of North American industry. Used in various applications in some of the harshest environments, hot-dip galvanizing combats corrosion throughout the world. Though corrosion resistance is inherent any time galvanizing is used, more specifiers select hot-dip galvanizing now for other reasons including lowest initial and life-cycle cost, durability, longevity, versatility, sustainability, and aesthetics. This course will examine the hot-dip galvanizing process as well as other zinc coatings, and detail the intrinsic benefits galvanizing provides.


Designing for Hot-Dip Galvanizing (View Outline)

Formats: 1-hour in-person, 1-hour online, 1-hour webinar
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

The Designing for Hot-Dip Galvanizing seminar will assist you in the design and integration of corrosion protection in your next project. The course examines the hot-dip galvanizing process, ASTM specifications, design best practice, inspection, and preparing the galvanized surface for painting/powder coating. Hot-dip galvanized steel has been used successfully for more than 100 years to protect myriad applications from corrosion.


Sustainable Development & Hot-Dip Galvanizing (View Outline)

Formats: 1-hour in-person; 1-hour online; 1-hour webinar
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

The Sustainable Development & Hot-Dip Galvanizing seminar provides an in-depth analysis of the sustainable aspects of hot-dip galvanizing. Seminar content includes zinc and the environment, LEED, life-cycle assessment (LCA), life-cycle cost (LCC), environmental and economic case study comparisons, and much more.


Duplex Systems: Coating Galvanized Steel (View Outline)

Formats: 1-hour in-person; 1-hour online; 1-hour webinar
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

Point Cadet Pavilion, Biloxi, MS

The Duplex Systems: Coating Galvanized Steel Seminar provides an overview about hot-dip galvanized steel and the synergistic benefits when coated with a paint or powder coating on top. Seminar Content includes an overview of hot-dip galvanizing and duplex systems as well as the benefits of Duplex systems, specifying duplex systems, and preparing the HDG surface. This seminar will help specifiers to understand the hot-dip galvanizing process and coating benefits, identify the benefits of utilizing paint/powder coating with hot-dip galvanizing in a duplex system, recognize the importance of communication and clear assignments of responsibility for a successful outcome, and differentiate between HDG surface conditions in order to properly prepare the zinc coating for a duplex system.


Reinforcing Steel Seminar (View Outline)

Formats: 1-hour in-person; 1-hour online; 1-hour webinar
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

The purpose of this seminar is to educate architects, engineers, DOT personnel, and other specifiers about the benefits of utilizing hot-dip galvanized reinforcing steel in concrete projects throughout North America. Steel is often used as a reinforcement embedded in concrete, which is porous, therefore it is important to protect it from corrosion. Many benefits help HDG rebars performance in concrete including its proven corrosion protection and performance. Galvanized reinforcing steel is also known for its durability, unparalleled bond strength, abrasion resistance, and environmental and economical sustainability. This seminar will help specifiers understand these benefits will providing design and specification information specific to hot-dip galvanized rebar.


Bridge Design Seminar (View Outline)

Formats: 1-hour in-person; 1-hour online; 1-hour webinar
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

The purpose of this seminar is to educate architects, engineers and other specifiers about successful specification, design, inspection of hot-dip galvanizing on steel bridges. The seminar will help specifiers understand the hot-dip galvanizing process, identify reasons specifiers choose galvanized steel, employ effective bridge design practices that facilitate the use of hot-dip galvanized steel, and conduct proper inspection and repair of HDG steel bridges.


Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel for Transportation (View Outline)

Formats: 1-hour in-person; 1-hour online; 1-hour webinar
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

The Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel for Transportation seminar provides an overview about hot-dip galvanized steel and how it can be used in in the transportation industry, from bridges and highways to mass transit applications. Seminar content includes identification of the transportation infrastructure and how hot-dip galvanizing can protect against steel corrosion in these highly corrosive environments.


Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel for Parking Structures (View Outline)

Formats: 1-hour in-person; 1-hour online; 1-hour webinar
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

The Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel for Parking Structures seminar provides an overview of the social, economic, and environmental benefits of incorporating hot-dip galvanized steel in parking structures. Seminar content includes how galvanized steel benefits the overall look, safety, and construction of the garage, as well as the economic savings during construction, use, and over the life of the parking structure, sustainable advantages, and more.


Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel for Power Infrastructure (View Outline)

Formats: 1-hour in-person; 1-hour online; 1-hour webinar
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

The Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel for Power Infrastructure seminar provides an overview about hot-dip galvanized steel and how it can be used in power generation, transmission and distribution projects. Seminar content includes identification of all power markets and how hot-dip galvanizing can protect against steel corrosion in diverse power settings, design of steel power products, reducing maintenance costs over the life of the power project, and more.


Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (AESS) Training for Specifiers (View Outline)

Formats: 1-hour in-person; 1-hour online; 1-hour webinar
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

Although not originally intended as an aesthetic finish, many architects turn to batch hot-dip galvanized Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (AESS) to create artistic, durable, and sustainable showcase elements with a modern, industrial aesthetic. However, there are some misconceptions about the appearance of after fabrication batch hot-dip galvanized (HDG) steel that can lead to misaligned expectations between the architect, steel fabricator, and galvanizer. Some architects expect the shiny, smooth, or spangled finish of galvanized sheet metal common in ductwork or corrugated panels; however, most fabricators and galvanizers know after-fabrication batch HDG steel elements rarely yield this type of appearance.


Ready to sign-up? Once you decide which version is right for you, select the appropriate format in-person, online, or webinar and start learning!

Galvanizing Plant Tour

Formats: 1-hour in-person
Credit: AIA, RCEP - 1.0 LU/PDH (HSW Hour)

Walkthrough and tour a nearby galvanizing plant. Learn about galvanized steel while being fully immersed within the process and earn a free CEU!
