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TechForum Schedule

Tuesday, October 8th

9:00am-11:00 am Lauritzen Botanic Gardens - Architect Lead Tour

Lauritzen Botanic Gardens
Sponsor - Teck Metals Ltd.

10:00am-1:00pm Registration

12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch on Your Own

    1:00pm-5:00pm Technical Sessions

    • Introductions
    • Technical Presentations
    • Virtual Plant Tour: Sabre Industries (Sioux City, IA)
    • Small Group Sessions: Pre-treatment

    MarketPlace Coffee Break

    Sponsor - Zaclon LLC, Mineral Research & Development (MRD), GIMECO Impianti s.r.l.

      5:30pm-7:30pm MarketPlace Reception

        Wednesday, October 9th

        7:00am - 8:15am - MarketPlace Breakfast

        Sponsor - Western Technologies, Inc.

        8:15am - 8:45am - Tour Preview Presentations & Other Announcements

          9:00am - 4:00pm - Galvanizing Tours

          Sponsor - TBD

          Valmont Coatings - Valley

          • Galvanizing operations
          • Small pole manufacturing (including trap shear and big wheel welder)
          • Large pole manufacturing (including base weld, seam weld, and large press break)
          • Lunch at Valley Cafeteria

          Valmont Coatings - West Point

          • Galvanizing operations

            5:00pm - 7:00pm - Networking Social Event

            Let it Fly Omaha
            Sponsor - Teck Metals Ltd.

              Thursday, October 10th

              7:00am - 8:00am - MarketPlace Breakfast

              Sponsor - Western Technologies, Inc.

                8:00am - 12:30pm - Technical Sessions & Marketplace open

                • Technical Presentations
                • Panel Discussion: Pre-treatment Maintenance

                MarketPlace Coffee Break

                Sponsor - Zaclon LLC, Mineral Research & Development (MRD), GIMECO Impianti s.r.l.

                12:30pm - 1:30pm - Lunch

                2:00pm - 5:00pm - Master Galvanizer Seminar 2: Galvanizing Chemistries and Solutions (TBC by August 9)

                Training opportunity for AGA members only. This training and Q&A was created to educate new plant employees joining the industry, as well as experienced workers who want to review the specific steps in the galvanizing process.

                Presenter: Bob Woods of Zaclon, LLC
                Moderator: Alana Fossa of AGA

                Seminar #2 Agenda:

                1. Basics of Cleaning “Bare” Steel
                2. Methods Available to Clean
                3. Derusting/Pickling
                4. Flux: What Does It Do Anyway?
                5. Quenching and Chem Treating (Chromates)
                6. Waste Disposal
                7. Q&A