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Dr. Galv KnowledgeBase



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The best place to find concise answers to routine questions on galvanizing is the AGA KnowledgeBase. Similar to Dr. Galv articles, the KnowledgeBase provides a searchable alternative with short answers to more common questions. Articles are categorized by topic, are searchable by keyword, and also selectively included on the front page as ‘Featured Articles’ and ‘Top-Rated Articles.’

Users are able to comment on each article, view other readers’ comments, and give the article thumbs-up or thumbs-down approval, making the KnowledgeBase an interactive tool. If users are still unable to find what they are looking for, or have a question regarding something they find, each article has the “Ask an Expert” button they can click to send their questions straight to the AGA’s technical department. All of these features make the AGA KnowledgeBase an always evolving, up-to-date portion of the AGA’s online resources for hot-dip galvanizing.

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