Lunch and Learn

Our in-person Galvanize It! seminar is the best way to learn about hot-dip galvanizing because you have a galvanizing representative to address any questions or concerns immediately. Use the form on this page to sign up for your own Lunch and Learn presentation.
All of the courses are approved for Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW) credits, AIA Learning Units (LU), and Professional Development Hours (PDH) for engineers. The lunch and learn will be presented by American Galvanizers Association (AGA) staff and/or AGA members at your office (minimum of 10 attendees). Please note that in-person Galvanize It! seminars are only available in U.S. and Canada.
Click the button below to learn about the AGA's available courses.
If you experience any issues or have further questions, please contact Jeff Cunningham at 720-361-4484.