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TechForum, the American Galvanizers Association’s (AGA) annual technical conference, open to members and non-members, provides the opportunity to network and discuss current technological advancements. TechForum attendees are North American hot-dip galvanizing industry’s plant/operations personnel, plant owners/managers, and other industry experts.

For exhibitors and those looking to network within the galvanizing industry, the three-day conference includes a MarketPlace exhibit hall where you can showcase your company throughout the event. The MarketPlace remains open during breaks and occasional meals throughout the technical sessions while the highly-anticipated MarketPlace Reception draws in a large portion of attendees to browse MarketPlace booths and tabletops while enjoying cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.

Exhibitors with an AGA membership will be provided with additional opportunities. Member exhibitors may be invited to speak at TechForum to announce new technology and products, or AGA members near the conference location may open their company up for an off-site tour.


AGA Member - Exhibitor (Booth) $300
AGA Member - Exhibitor (Table Top) $150
Non-member - Exhibitor $1,500
Additional Exhibitor Personnel $125
Electrcity $50

Premium Sponsorships (Sold Out)

Zinc Level Sponsor (1 Supplier)
  • Name/Logo on all EVENT webpages (excluding schedule, registration form)
  • Free (2) Home Display Ad in Event App
  • Provide giveaway
  • Complimentary MarketPlace Booth
  • Name/Logo on all EVENT PROMO emails (registration, Know Before You Go)
Silver Level Sponsor (1 Supplier)
  • Name/Logo on EVENT Schedule webpage and printed
  • Free Home Display Ad
  • Provide Giveaway
  • Complimentary MarketPlace Booth
Bronze Level Sponsor (1-3 Suppliers)
  • Name/Logo on EVENT Registration Page
  • Free Home Display Ad
  • Provide Giveaway
  • Complimentary MarketPlace Booth

Additional Sponsorships

Conference App Premium (Splash Page, Top & Bottom Banner) $2,000
Happy Hour Event (TBD year to year) $1,500
Registrant Lunch $1,500
Social Tour (TBD year to year; 2025: Dallas Cowboys Stadium Tour) $1,000
Registrant Breakfast $1,000
Plant Tour Transportation $1,000
Registrant Coffee Break $500
Conference App Middle Banner Ads (Speakers and/or Attendees section) $500
Catchbox Microphone Wrap $500


Details coming soon


Details coming soon