Processes in The Galvanizing Plant Video License

Available only to AGA Members. License includes viewing/streaming access on AGA website.
The AGA's Processing Video details successful hot-dip galvanizing processes and procedures and describes the entire process of taking bare steel and coating it with zinc. The video is divided into five modules that can be viewed independently: (1) Inspection, (2) Material Handling, (3) Surface Preparation, (4) Galvanizing and Kettle, (5) Post-Galvanizing Treatments. Approx. 90 minutes.
Upon purchase, you will be able to access/stream via the following members-only links.
VIEW NOW - ENGLISH (coming soon)
VIEW NOW - SPANISH (coming soon)
This resource is only available to members of the American Galvanizers Association. Member orders require a $75.00 minimum. Please contact the AGA directly at 720-361-4483 with any questions.