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Thank you all for another fun and successful conference! Please email any photos you wish to share to Jeff Cunningham.

View Photos from the 2022 Annual Conference here and our wrap up news article can be found here.

Golf Tournament Results

First Place Team

  • Andrew Kijowski, American Galvanizers Association
  • Bryan Stovall, AZZ Metal Coatings
  • Danita Stovall, AZZ Metal Coatings
  • Chad Falls, APR Plastic Fabricating, Inc.

Second Place Team

  • Michael Orlando, Zaclon LLC
  • Paul McSweeney, Coatinc United States Inc.
  • Bob Gillen, Valmont Metal Coatings
  • Matthew Stine, APR Plastic Fabricating, Inc.

    Third Place Team

    • Emmett Gregory, New Jersey Galvanizing & Tinning Works
    • Tommy Rose, Metalplate Galvanizing LP
    • Eric Palmer, Richker Metals, Inc.
    • Robert Gregory, New Jersey Galvanizing & Tinning Works

    Celebrity Guess Who? Networking Game Winners

    • Lily Lacey
    • Tom Fossa

    Monday, April 4

    Tuesday, April 5

    Wednesday, April 6