Industry Stats

Membership (95% of industry capacity)
- 78 galvanizing companies in North America (175 plants)
- 56 sustaining member companies
- 8 zinc producers/suppliers
- 19 associate galvanizers (outside North America)
- Approximately 20 galvanizing companies in North America, representing around 5% of industry capacity
- 4.9 million tons of galvanized steel in 2019
- 10% increase since 2014
- Galvanizing operations: 8,000
- Zinc Suppliers: 10,000
- Service and product suppliers: 2,000
Markets Served
- Electric/Utility/Communications
- Bridge & Highway
- Agriculture
- Transportation Infrastructure
- Buildings
- Recreation (Stadiums)
- Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM)
- 34% penetration in 2019
Products Galvanized
Structurals, fasteners, tubing, pipe, wire, nails, reinforcing steel, weldments, complex fabrications, guardrail, distribution poles, and much more
- Most galvanizing operations are privately held
- Sales range from $10 million to $50 million
- Most galvanizing operations do not take title to the steel they galvanize.
- These operations are called "job" or "custom" galvanizers and they provide a service.
Other coatings (paint, powder coating), weathering steel, stainless steel, wood, aluminum, concrete and composites
Galvanizing Process
- Cleaning the steel in a degreasing solution.
- Pickling in dilute hot sulfuric acid or ambient temperature hydrochloric solution.
- Fluxing in an aqueous solution of zinc-ammonium chloride.
- Immersing in a bath (kettle) of molten zinc.
- Inspection of material for consistent and thorough coating.
AGA members represent approximately 95% of the industry capacity. Non-members are primarily smaller galvanizers, pipe, wire and fence companies, but consolidation has changed the face of the industry in the last 10 years. There are now several multi-plant public and private operators.