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Dr. Galv KnowledgeBase


Inspection Course

The American Galvanizers Association (AGA) has developed an online training course, Inspection of Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel, to teach inspectors, architects, engineers and other specifiers proper inspection techniques. The course examines the steps of the inspection process as well as what is acceptable and rejectable according to the ASTM specifications. The course also includes more detailed information on the galvanizing process, galvanizing standards, types of inspection, and repair.

Following the completion of the course, there is a test to verify your understanding of the material. Participants who score at least an 80% on the test will be listed in the Inspector Listing signaling their understanding of hot-dip galvanizing inspection technique. The Inspection Certificate is good for 5 years.

When taking the online Inspection Seminar, please use either the Chrome or Firefox browser.