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The American Galvanizers Association (AGA) loves engaging with architecture and engineering students and offers a number of learning opportunities to current architecture and engineering students. The AGA launched the Galvanize Your Campus program in 2011 which includes design competitions, campus presentation/visits, and tours of hot-dip galvanizing facilities and galvanized steel projects. Through the Galvanize Your Campus program, students will learn about the hot-dip galvanizing process, design, sustainability, performance, specification, cost, inspection, as well as see the process in action and/or the coating in real world applications.

In October, the AGA went to Oklahoma State University to present on hot-dip galvanizing to the students of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers. The presentation was well received and had the students engaged.  We got great feedback from the students about their knowledge of hot-dip galvanizing and how they intend to use it in their designs.  

Osu 2019
Oklahoma State University

Hot-dip galvanizing has been around for more than 150 years and is critical for sustainable development. Students were surprised to find out steel and zinc (primary components in hot-dip galvanizing) are the two most recycled construction materials in the world and can be recycled without any loss of properties, making it a truly sustainable resource. Students were also surprised that hot-dip galvanizing can be used in a myriad of projects and typically has a design life of 75 years or greater.  

If you, or anyone you know, are interested in an on-campus presentation or a tour of a galvanized project, contact Jeff Cunningham. The AGA also offers a scholarship for current architecture and engineering students, click here to learn more.