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The American Galvanizers Association (AGA) is seeking the best hot-dip galvanized steel projects of 2013. The 2014 Call for Entries is extended to any party involved with an after-fabrication hot-dip galvanized steel project completed in 2013.  Each year, the Excellence in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Awards recognizes the special skill and efforts of galvanizers, fabricators, architects, engineers, contractors, and all other parties in their use of hot-dip galvanizing in an innovative, ideal, creative, monumental, or otherwise impressive fashion. 

Hot-dip galvanized steel is used in myriad applications throughout various industries. Thus, Excellence Awards are presented in twelve sectors and three special categories. The twelve sectors are: Artistic, Bridge & Highway, Building & Architecture, Civic Contribution, Duplex Systems, Electrical, Utility & Communication, Food & Agriculture, Industrial, Original Equipment Manufacturing, Recreation & Entertainment, Transportation, and Water and Marine. The three special categories are: International, Most Distinguished, and lastly Lifetime Achievement, in which submissions which must have at least 15 years in service showcasing the longevity of the coating.

Although anyone who was involved with a project is welcome to submit it to the Excellence in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Awards, collaborating with all parties involved to provide the most complete and descriptive entry as possible is highly recommended.  All projects must be submitted using the online form; please review the Submission Requirements for further information. Hot-dip galvanizing is a collaborative effort, and the final project reflects the work of many people. Winning an award provides you and all parties involved accolades and recognition as the best of the best in that category for your excellence in collaboration; furthermore it is also a great opportunity to showcase your company and project to the whole specifying community and your peers.

Online Submission Process

In 2011, the AGA streamlined and modernized the award submission process with a 7-step online submission form involving check box questions, short paragraph ‘fill in the blanks’, and high-resolution photo submissions combined to create a cohesive essay describing your project. After completing the fields, you will see a preview of the description and photos exactly as the judges will. This will also become the entry to the project database.

How to Submit Your Excellence Award
  1. Make sure you are using the most current version of Firefox or Chrome when submitting projects. View this tutorial for step-by-step instructions on installing a current web browser:
  2. Review the Submission and Eligibility Requirements for submitting your projects.
  3. Gather the necessary information before you begin the submission process, including: other parties’ company names, location, tonnage and what elements were galvanized.
  4. Jot down notes for the essay questions. Your final submission online will need to be written in paragraph form. The primary general questions are as follows: Why was galvanizing specified? Why is your project interesting/unique? What else sets your project apart from others?
  5. Prepare your photos. Make sure you have at least two high quality photos (300 DPI or more, unaltered) saved in an easy to locate place on your computer. Use the project title for the photo’s name Example: Denver Bridge, title your photo DenverBridge1.jpg.
  6. With your notes ready, begin the submission process
  7. Roll over small question mark circles for helpful tips and explanations for each question. 
  8. Review your project submission carefully before submitting. Check your photos and make sure the description reads like a story. This is what the judges will see and what will be posted as is in the project database! Click ‘Edit my Submission’ to make any changes before completing the submission.
  9. Check the ‘Terms and Conditions’ box and click the ‘Complete’ button when you’re finished. Your project is now officially submitted!
  10.  DO NOT attempt to edit your project once it has been officially submitted. Contact Laura Hanson with any concerns. 

If you do not have any projects to submit this year but are interested in judging, please contact Laura Hanson. Judging will take place during the first few months of 2014.

For more information on the Excellence Awards program, contact Senior Marketing Coordinator Laura Hanson. Photo DVDs or CDs can be sent to the following address: American Galvanizers Association, c/o Laura Hanson, 6881 S. Holly Circle, Ste. 108, Centennial, CO 80112.

Projects must be submitted by December 31, 2013, and winners will be announced at the AGA's Annual Confernce in March 2014.