AIA Committee on Design is Coming to Denver
The AGA will be a bronze sponsor at the 2020 AIA Conference on Design in Denver, CO and will be speaking to emerging architecture professionals. Attendees will get to explore the architectural evolution of Denver and get to see real life examples from many famous buildings and projects. The Committee on Design (COD) was founded to promote design excellence among members of the AIA, the broader design community, and the public at large, both nationally and internationally.
The theme for the 2020 AIA Committee on Design is Growing Cities. Attendees will visit Denver + Singapore, two cities that have experienced significant economic and population growth over the past decades and continue today. Both cities share a history as trading posts - Denver by land, Singapore by sea. The Conference will bring AIA Committee on Design (COD) attendees, which include leading architects from national firms throughout the United States, to explore contemporary designs living in the midst of historic cities.
The AIA COD Domestic Design Conference in Denver is first in a two-part conference series exploring the architectural evolution the city has undergone in response to a stimulated economy. The AIA COD International Design Conference in Singapore is second in a two-part conference series highlighting the continued development of Singapore from a historic trading post into a thriving urban hub.
The conference format will be walking tours, site tours and lectures led by topic experts as well as “Pop Up” Talks in unexpected sites. Some of the sites to be visited in Denver include Denver Art Museum, Zeppelin Station, Denver Botanical Garden, and Art Hotel. In Singapore, attendees will visit contemporary designs including Marine Bay Sands, LASALLE College of Arts, The Interlace, and reflections at Keppel Bay. More information below.
June 25-28, 2020 COD DOMESTIC CONFERENCE Denver, Colorado Register Now | November 1-7, 2020 COD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Singapore Register Now |