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Dr. Galv KnowledgeBase


Entering the fourth quarter of 2018, the American Galvanizers Association (AGA) has revitalized a plethora of content, so be sure to explore the website and utilize the following updates:

Start with the entire website, which has been redesigned and remastered for increased speed and functionality. You should notice a considerable decrease in page load time and improved stability. This also includes the AGA Project Gallery which features an up-to-date list of submitted projects, a revised judging system and a large new featured section for previous winners. If you have a galvanized steel project you would like to submit to the 2019 Excellence in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Awards, visit and follow the prompts to be in to win!

Design Guide Page 01
The Updated 2018 Design Guide

On the Publication front, the Design of Products to be Hot-Dip Galvanized After Fabrication or Design Guide has been redesigned and updated with the most accurate data available in 2018. Be sure to update your digital library with the free download to stay ahead of the game. Keep in mind we also offer design-centric (among other galvanizing topics) Online Seminars & Webinars throughout the year. Our next Design Seminar will be in November but in October we have the Duplex Systems: Coating Galvanized Steel webinar. This course provides an overview about hot-dip galvanized steel and the synergistic benefits when coated with a paint/ powder coating on top. Including the benefits of duplex systems, specifying duplex systems, and preparing the HDG surface for paint or powder coating. If either webinar sounds of interest to you, register here.

For those of us constantly on the move between job sites, the updated Inspection of Galvanized Steel App will come as welcome news. The updated version of the app includes a design refresh to match the look of the new website, improvements to optimize the app for iOS and Android, new pages to address the difference between in-plant vs. field repairs, and incorporation of instructional videos from the Touch Up & Repair Video Series launched last year. Users can now play videos on repair requirements and material application from within the app if they are able to connect to the internet via Wi-Fi or cellular network. The rest of the app will always continue to be accessible regardless of internet connection. Available now for free on both the Apple and Google Play stores.

A new frontier for the AGA is the use of live video covering the construction of a project. Buffalo Creek Bridge located in Independence, Iowa is our inaugural project. With cameras live streaming in real-time the demolition of the existing bridge, to the installation of the new galvanized rolled beam bridge. Be sure to check out the stream here from time-to-time and see the progress! If bridges don't interest you, check out many other projects in our Galvanized Steel Studies playlist on Youtube!

Buffalo Creek Bridge
Buffalo Creek Bridge

Lastly, if you have not updated your profile preferences, we encourage you to do so. Entering 2019, the AGA will be utilizing targeted content and tailoring newsletter content specifically to your interests. To ensure you don't miss anything, be sure to click the on the Update your Profile link on the bottom of your Galvanizing Insights newsletter to help us tailor your experience in the future.