2021 Winners of InStudio MADE Competition
The InStudio: Made competition asked students to research the design and fabrication properties of hot-dip galvanizing and then sketch or model a sculpture, building façade, parking garage, outdoor recreation/entertainment structure, etc. that could be physically built out of hot-dip galvanized steel.
The AGA is dedicated to the education of students and continues to visit campuses across the United States and Canada to educate future architects through the Galvanize Your Campus program.
The American Galvanizers Association (AGA) and American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) are proud to announce the 2021 winners of the summer In Studio Made competition.
Ashlyn Reece, University of Kansas @ku_designbuild
Phillip Lee, University of Houston @phillipl.arch
Galen Kragas, University of Houston @galenkragas