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Suppliers & Services

SKM Industries, Inc.

Marking pens for fabricated steel. The pen mark is removed in the caustic solution and requires no blast cleaning.

Mid Valley Industrial Park 1012 Underwood Rd.
Olyphant, PA 18447
United States

Phone: (800) 851-8464
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Soprin srl

Chemical division of Bisol Group Galvanizing. Soprin produces special additives for the pretreatment of: acid degreasers, inhibitors, blocking agents of fumes from pickling lines, and flux additives.

Via Dell'Industria 106
Maserada Sul Piave, 31052

Phone: 39-0438-980885
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TecCoat Metal Treatments

TecCoat promotes and sells innovative BRUGAL® chemical products designed for the hot-dip galvanizing industry. designed to keep the bright appearance of the galvanized steel for an extended period.

14030 S lakes Dr
Charlotte, NC 28273
United States

Phone: (704) 357-0110

Teck Metals Ltd

Zinc Producer

100 Wellington Street West, Suite 600, PO Box 125
Toronto, ON M5K 1H1

Phone: (647) 788-3000

Teck Metals Ltd. - Product Technology Centre

Zinc Producer

3750B Laird Road, Unit 15
Mississauga, ON L5L 0A6

TIB Chemicals AG

TIB Chemicals is a family-owned specialty chemical company, based in Germany, with offices and warehousing in the US and Mexico. We have over 150 years of experience in supplying you with all you chemical and flux needs. We have Pretreatment products such as low temperature degreasers, acid degreasers, cleaning additives, pickling Inhibitors, acid fume suppressants, and many more Products. We are manufacturing a wide selection of fluxes from double and triple salts to special fluxes for continuous or high Aluminum Galvanizing. We have a range of patented fluxes for Iron removal and flux regeneration or others for pH stability, that convert any acid carried over into new flux of the correct composition. Our passivation products offer high level performance with systems based on Chromium 6 and 3 as well as polymer and inorganic products. TIB Chemicals can also help you improve your process efficiency and quality of work, along with offering training in process control and analysis. Let us help you and together we can improve your process.

Mulheimer Street 16-22
Mannheim, 68219

Phone: 0049621890626
Phone: +4915125233993
Fax: 00496218901626
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Transtrade LLC

Manufacturer and distributor of nickel tablets for maintaining zinc nickel balance in the galvanizing kettle. Distributor of stop-off material to prevent galvanizing from taking place on specific areas of steel products.

4404 S. Maybelle Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74107
United States

Phone: (918) 521-7271

United Combustion & Services

200 West Railroad Street
Columbiana, OH 44408
United States

Phone: (330) 892-7733

Vickery Transportation, Inc.

3956 State Route 412
Vickery, OH 43464
United States

Phone: (419) 547-4760

VLS Texas Molecular

Spent hydrochloric and sulfuric acids from galvanizing process. RCRA permitted, 24/7, large capacity facility.

2525 Independence Parkway South
Deer Park, TX 77536
United States

Phone: (281) 930-2540