Member Company: V&S Galvanizing
- Time in the Industry: 17 years in steel manufacturing/construction; 14 years in
- Responsibilities/Titles held in HDG industry career: Sales & Marketing Manager, Corporate Sales & Marketing Manager, VP Sales & Marketing
- BA, The Ohio State University
- MBA, Ohio Dominican University
What I Enjoy Most About My Job
Every day is different. One day you are in a steel fabrication shop consulting with the customer, the next day you are on a jobsite educating the owner/end user, the next you are in the office, the next you are presenting to a large group of architects or engineers.
Most Significant Developments in the Industry during My Career
- The generational shift and sharing of knowledge of the industry. The passing of knowledge from those that came before us, and using that knowledge to educate the current generation of the galvanizing industry, the steel fabrication world, and the A/E/specifier communities.
The use of technology in terms of marketing and sales tactics. The influence of social media and the use of online sales tools are changing the way we present and market our industry every day.
My View of the Current State of the Industry
The industry is healthy but still has plenty of room for growth. The current and future investment in construction and infrastructure in our nation will allow us to continue to prosper. It is up to us to continue to grow our share of the pie in the steel industry.
My View of the Most Critical, External Challenge Facing the HDG Industry
Continuously fighting the fake news that is being disseminated regarding other corrosion protection methods for steel as equal or superior to HDG.
My View of the Impact of the AGA
I have grown up in the industry with the AGA. From day one, at ThinkZinc 2010 to now, I have always utilized the AGA tools and resources, as well as its wonderful network of people and industry colleagues. From volunteering at trade shows, to representing the industry at conferences and seminars to serving on the industry Market Development Committee, the AGA has always been an integral part of my career. There is no doubt that my career and my company would not be what it is today without involvement with the AGA.
Other Interesting Things that Shape My Life
On weekends you will find my wife and I coaching, volunteering, or running our kids around to various sporting events including wrestling, baseball, football, softball, and volleyball.
Random Fact
I ran a family-owned breakfast and lunch restaurant with my mom for four years.
Favorite Quote
“Without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing.”