Michael Williams

Member Company: Duncan Galvanizing Corp.
- Time in the Industry: 6 years
- Titles Held Throughout Industry Career: Vice President, President
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bucknell University
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Bucknell University
What I Enjoy Most About My Job
I love being able to affect every aspect of our company. From operations to HR or accounting to maintenance, I enjoy the diversity of responsibilities and merging the details with the big picture.
Most Significant Developments in the Industry during My Career
My instinct is to say Duplex-Coatings Adoption and HDG Plant Consolidation, but those shifts started before my time. Between 2014 and 2021, the biggest change I've seen is that customers (specifically federal, state, and municipal customers) want significantly more documentation regarding quality policies and operating records to ensure piece/process traceability on projects.
My View of the Current State of the Industry
When your 185-year-old process is still the most complete corrosion protection system available for steel over the widest set of conditions, the current state of the hot-dip galvanizing industry is strong. With such a strong product, the emphasis becomes execution (the basic of blocking and tackling).
Given the strength of our process, I think the most critical external challenge facing our industr is misinformation from competing systems. If we combat misinformation by educating our customers on their opinions, I think we can continue to grow the usage of HDG.
My View of the Impact of the AGA
Being new to the industry, AGA provided me context to everything. My first ThinkZinc made me realize how little I knew. My first TechForum made me realize how much I had learned. My first Annual Conference made me realize how great our industry community is. As a single-plant independent galvanizer, AGA gives me the comfort of a larger team to lean on when I need to.
Other Interesting Things that Shape My Life
When I'm not at work, I'm with my wife and two children (now 5 and 3). I'm a big nerd who loves most things STEM. Prior to the wonderful chaos of kids in the house, I also love lakes, camping, playing basketball, and ultimate frisbee. I think the best description of myself is 'chronically happy.'
Random Fact
I once ran a balloon decoration company.
Words of Wisdom
Changing your mind is a strength not a weakness. I love to find an answer that is contrary to intuition.
Favorite Quote
"Everything in moderation, including moderation." - Oscar Wilde