Kevin Halstead

Member Company: Valmont Coatings
- Time in the Industry: 28 years
- Responsibilities/Titles held in HDG industry career: Chemical Engineer (Rogers Galvanizing), Senior Process Engineer (North American Galvanizing and Coatings), Director of Engineering (North American Galvanizing and Coatings), Director of Engineering and Compliance (AZZ Galvanizing), Engineering Director (Valmont Coatings), VP Engineering (Valmont Coatings), VP and General Manager (Valmont Coatings – North America) Responsibilities have included engineering, safety, environmental, and general management.
- BS Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University
- MBA, Oklahoma State University
What I Enjoy Most About My Job
Working and engaging with all the people in the industry (colleagues, competitors, customers, vendors and associations)! This is a unique industry where a diverse group of people all work to improve the world through corrosion prevention.
Most Significant Developments in the Industry during My Career
- Improvement in quality and process control within the industry. The industry has advanced not just in the basics but importantly in sustainability improving an already very environmentally friendly industry.
- Collaboration of the industry on important advancements in the use of hot-dip galvanizing. The AGA and other associations along with key very passionate people have resulted in successes such as expanded use in trailer manufacturing and short span bridges.
My View of the Current State of the Industry
Hot-dip galvanizing is a critical service for a critical need in infrastructure. It hardens and lengthens the life of these public assets. Thus, the industry is very well positioned to continue to grow and demonstrate its unique corrosion protection ability.
My View of the Impact of the AGA
The AGA has personally impacted me by providing a huge amount of knowledge and assistance throughout my career. This impact on people also helps grow the industry. For me, the AGA is a source of life long friends, who have all greatly impacted my quality of life.
Other Interesting Things that Shape My Life
I have attended all but one home football game for Oklahoma State University since 1989. Go Pokes!
Random Fact
I was born in the same hospital, St. Mary’s in Enid, OK, as Rick Cornish.
Words of Wisdom
Do not confuse effort with results.
Favorite Quote
“Golf is not a matter of life or death…….it is much more important than that!” (Unknown)