John Roy

Member Company: Connecticut Galvanizing
- Time in the Industry: 23 years
- Responsibilities/Titles held in HDG industry career: Vice President
- BS Mechanical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- MBA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
What I Enjoy Most About My Job
I enjoy the variety of tasks that come with working in a small business.
Most Significant Developments in the Industry during My Career
- The use of technology in the facility has led to significant changes in the way we handle any task. Anything from data collection to simple document creation and control.
- Teleconferencing has changed the way we communicate with peers and customers. The internet has redefined the way we source parts and supplies.
My View of the Current State of the Industry
Our industry is strong and ever changing, as one segment falls another comes along. There will always be a need for corrosion protection. We as galvanizers need to embrace the idea that other coatings are the competition, and not the galvanizer down the road.
My View of the Most Critical, External Challenge Facing the HDG Industry
The labor shortage and the limited supply of workers entering the skilled trades.
My View of the Impact of the AGA
From my first Tech Forum in 2001 to today, the AGA has always impressed me with its ability to corral the membership and help guide the industry across numerous agencies, regulators and other organizations. Coming from a smaller independent galvanizer, I value the technical & environmental resources available.
Other Interesting Things that Shape My Life
I enjoy being with my wife Darcie and our twins Krissy & Jack. As free time allows, I enjoy skiing, mountain biking, motorcycling or most any physical activity.
Words of Wisdom
You get what you give!!
Favorite Quote
"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me" Henry Ford A true great friend is someone who accepts you for who you are and inspires you to become a better version of yourself.