Education & Experience
- 16 years - Senior Environmental, Health & Safety Engineer
- 3 years - Environmental, Health, & Safety Engineer
- BS in Chemical Engineering, minor in Environmental Engineering; Colorado State University
What I Enjoy Most About My Job
Assisting members on environmental and safety issues as well as educating consultants and inspectors about our industry. We are fortunate there are not a lot of environmental and safety concerns in our industry compared to others.
My Most Significant Contribution to Our Members/Industry
My biggest contribution is developing the environmental and safety programs for our industry. During my time at the AGA I have updated the EPA, OSHA, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention manuals. Other significant projects include the chain and wire study, stormwater study, TCLP testing on skimmings and dross, weekly safety agendas, and various Environmental, Health, & Safety (EHS) Notes, and Galvanizing Guidelines.
What I Consider the Most Interesting/Impactful Thing About HDG
Hot-dip galvanizing is everywhere! It has been exciting to see the potential of galvanizing for different projects. Looking through past AGA Excellence in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Awards winners from when I first started, galvanizing is being used in different applications and is making its impact both practically and sustainably. It is still hard to fathom that a piece of galvanized steel can still have its zinc coating long after I pass away. With the longevity of galvanized steel, comes its recyclability and reduced impact to the earth. With the latest concerns on how products can harm the planet, the sustainability of hot-dip galvanizing makes it even more important.
Other Interesting Things that Shape My Life
Outside of work, my life is filled with spending time with my family, volunteering, and balancing the crazy schedule of three children and their activities. To calm the chaos, I like to meet up with friends, run, go to concerts, and play piano.
Random Facts
The AGA is the only place I have worked since graduating college. I started in 1998 and left the AGA in 2003 to start my family. I returned part-time in 2007 for a couple years and left to have my third child. I came back in 2012 part-time and have been here ever since. I must really love the AGA to come back so many times!
Words of Wisdom
Working efficiently and working hard are two different things (learn the difference).
Favorite Quote
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. ~Ferris, from Ferris Buellers Day Off