Ben Kelly

Member Company: Galvan Industries, Inc.
- Years in the Industry: 19 years in both the steel and galvanizing industry
- Responsibilities/Titles Held Throughout Industry Career: Galvanizing Sales Manager - responsible for all sales activity at Galvan for our galvanizing division
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Florida State University
- Master of Business Administration in Marketing from North Carolina State University
What I Enjoy Most About My Job
I enjoy marketing our galvanizing business over different platforms using both video and project content creation. I find that I can use both of my education backgrounds when I am marketing and selling in the galvanizing industry. I also enjoy visiting current and new customers to discuss future opportunities that haven’t been considered. Finding ways to add value added services and continuing to grow the galvanizing business at Galvan is very enjoyable.
Most Significant Developments in the Industry during My Career
- Expansion of the solar industry, and solar field installation. It raises curiosity when looking at the number of solar fields being installed daily. Rural land and previous farmland are being converted to solar fields at a very fast pace. This is certainly something to keep an eye on as more renewable energy is promoted and carbon emission reduction requirements are rolled out.
- New galvanizing plant automation and designs. Installation of new kettles and new automated operations are changing the labor and cost calculations for our industry. As more kettles are installed and automation becomes more prevalent, this will continue to change the current landscape of the industry.
My View of the Current State of the Industry
The galvanizing industry is still in a state of expansion from both a supply and demand perspective. When we see an expansion of supply (new galvanizing operations going in), we might see a drop in workloads for a few months, or possibly up to a year after. In the current state of the industry, demand remains strong with the new supply. If there is a transportation bill that is passed in the future, this will continue the current trend we are seeing. One important observation to consider, however, is if there will be a large market correction coming, and when?
My View of the Most Critical, External Challenge Facing the HDG Industry
Different material and coating companies’ promotion of a new product listing certain years of service life that is based on bias lab testing, without real word data. Everyone specifying materials should at some time understand the anode/cathode sacrificial relationship between zinc and steel and the specified thickness of the HDG coating. It is not uncommon for specifiers to not understand this relationship or concept. Sometimes the specifiers may interpret the bias testing and listed years of service from a person selling a new product as factual data.
My View of the Impact of the AGA
I was able to participate in the Think Zinc convention early on in my career. The information passed along from this meeting was very important, but it was also great to get to know the competitors of my industry. There are many times where I have recommended a competitor for work, and it has been great to get to know them beforehand though the organization. As far as the staff goes, the AGA has been very helpful on certain items we’ve had questions about. The staff has also been fun to work with. I’ve made some great relationships though the AGA organization both inside and out.
Other Interesting Things That Shape My Life
When outside of work, you will find me enjoying time with my wife and three kids. Travel soccer, cheerleading, football, basketball games and camping are some of the few events that take up our weekends. I also enjoy grilling and cooking meat on both the grill and the smoker. We also like to spend time with neighbors and friends.
Random Facts
A former piano player
Words of Wisdom
Show up every day. Always provide some thought-provoking input. Always give your very best effort. Have fun doing it.
Favorite Quote
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”