What the AGA Offers Specifiers

The American Galvanizers Association (AGA) serves as the unified voice and representative of the North American hot-dip galvanized steel industry. The AGA is dedicated to serving the needs of after-fabrication galvanizers, fabricators, architects, specifiers, and engineers by providing technical support on innovative applications and state-of-the-art technological developments in hot-dip galvanizing for corrosion control. To that end, the AGA has a wealth of resources available to specifiers looking for informational, educational, and technical support.

The most comprehensive resource is the AGA website (galvanizeit.org) which offers specifiers and anyone who may need more information on galvanizing a multitude of technical resources. A couple of the most used resources are Dr. Galv and the KnowledgeBase. Dr. Galv is a technical FAQ section that provides in-depth articles on various topics related to galvanizing. Similar to Dr. Galvs, the KnowledgeBase provides shorter answers to more common questions and provides additional online resources and an opportunity for interactivity.
The AGA Project Gallery is an online showcase of galvanized projects from all over the world, as well as the winners of the AGA’s annual Excellence in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Awards. If you are looking for inspiration in your design, or wondering how other specifiers use hot-dip galvanized steel, the AGA Project Gallery is a great place to start. Branching off from the Project Gallery is the newest AGA initiative, the Galvanized Steel Studies video series. The videos in this series show how galvanized steel has performed over the lifetime of various projects. All videos are available on our YouTube Channel.

The AGA’s continuing education program features the free Galvanize It! seminar series. Courses in this series are available as in-person seminars, and online webinars and seminars. All Galvanize It! courses are approved for continuing education credits (CEU), learning units (LU), and/or professional development hours (PDH) in health, safety, and welfare (HSW) or sustainable design (SD). The AGA is a registered provider with the American Institute of Architects (AIA), American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), and Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI). The courses that are a part of the series include the Core Seminar, Design Seminar, and Sustainable Development Seminar, as well as more market-specific seminars including Parking Structures, Power Infrastructure, and Transportation.

As the non-profit trade association for the batch hot-dip galvanizing industry, the American Galvanizers Association produces and maintains a wide variety of detailed technical publications about hot-dip galvanizing. With over 65 years of experience, expertise in chemical, environmental, and corrosion engineering, and access to a vast technical library, the AGA has knowledge and publications on most topics, trends, and technical issues surrounding hot-dip galvanizing today. The association has over 40 publications available to download free of charge on this site. All publications are regularly reviewed and updated to keep the information fresh and at the forefront of galvanizing technology. The Life-Cycle Cost Calculator is an online tool that allows you to calculate the cost of galvanized steel compared to more than 30 other coating systems. Galvanizing Insights, the AGA’s free quarterly e-newsletter, is designed to help specifiers, engineers, architects, fabricators, and end-users better understand, specify, and utilize hot-dip galvanized steel.
The AGA is available by email and phone to answer very specific questions. You can reach us at [email protected] or 720-554-0900. Lastly, we are active on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, so be sure to follow us for the latest in galvanizing news!