Thanks for a Great TechForum

As with most things in life, you get out what you put in; the same holds true for the AGA as evidenced by the members who attended this years TechForum. Those of you who were unable to attend missed out on the chance to see other galvanizing operations, discuss issues and concerns with your brethren galvanizers, and hear about the latest advancements in the industry. I was asked by several people, if after all of my years of attending TechForum and going on tours, do I still find the event useful. My response is yes. I always walk away with new ideas spurred by the presentations, and despite the similarities of the operations, I continue to find unique solutions at every plant I have the privilege of touring.
I am energized by the growing talent, knowledge, and comradery in the galvanizing industry. All of the presentations were well done and informative. The plant tours were outstanding. The attendance at the TechForum was approximately 146 with 46 vendors and 26 galvanizing companies represented. Thanks to Dr. Tom, Melissa, Hannah and the very talented AGA staff for organizing the successful event. Thanks again to Loren and Mary McConnell of Ace Galvanizing, Hadi Mirzai of Seattle Galvanizing, Jeff Boychuk of Silver City Galvanizing, and Gordon Eppich of Ebco Metal Finishing for opening their facilities to the attendees.
These companies' willingness to open their plants for attendees is to be commended. It takes a lot of work to host a plant tour and I personally thank each of you for doing so. The plant tours continue to be the drawing card for the annual TechForum, and I would encourage all members to return the hospitality by making your plant available when the TechForum is in your area. Additionally, the event would not be a success if it were not supported by the Sustaining Members and their generous support and sponsorship.
I appreciate our members continued support of the AGA and our great industry. I encourage each and every member to get involved with the AGA. Whether big or small, the association needs your participation and is stronger with your input. Your next opportunity to participate is at the committee meetings being held on December 6th at the AGA office in Centennial, Colorado. See you then!