New Visual Aids for Touch-Up and Repair

The American Galvanizers Association (AGA) will begin work in 2016 on a new video series to cover the many aspects of the touch-up and repair of hot-dip galvanized steel. Six videos are planned for the series, which includes a general introduction video, videos regarding in plant and in field touch-up and repair, and finally videos specific to different types of touch-up and repair methods, including metallizing, zinc-rich paint, and zinc solders. These videos will add a new dimension to our YouTube offerings and build off the success of the Galvanized Steel Studies videos, which have helped spread the idea of galvanizing via new digital marketing initiatives.
Touch-up and repair is important in maintaining the hot-dip galvanized coating’s uniform barrier and cathodic protection, which ensures maintenance-free longevity. We believe these videos will provide highly beneficial visual aids to those needing assistance with touch-up and repair, whether in the plant or the field. Topics will include proper materials to use while performing the process, as well as specifications to follow, and proper application of the repair materials.
We need assistance from our members in finding projects to film. We would like to include footage of projects being touched-up and repaired both in the plant and in the field. Planned footage also includes a variety of shots to show metallizing, zinc-rich painting, and zinc soldering. If you are interested in participating or helping with these videos, including offering your plant and any galvanized projects for filming, please contact Senior Marketing Coordinator Laura Hanson.