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The American Galvanizers Association (AGA) has written many articles about the benefits of winning an Excellence in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Award. Excellence Awards winners represent the finest achievement in the use of hot-dip galvanizing in project design and concept.  While winning an Excellence Award is the ultimate goal, there are also a number of benefits just for submitting a project. Each project will be judged in one category with the opportunity to win that categorys award. However, ALL submitted projects will be considered for the Most Distinguished Award, and are featured in the AGA Project Gallery, which provides industry and specifier recognition for all involved parties. The AGA utilizes project photos and descriptions extensively on our websites as well as in publications, the Galvanize It! seminar series, continuing education program, and editorials placed with third-party sources, giving submitted projects the opportunity for national recognition. Also, working with others involved on the project to submit a great representation of your work is a great opportunity to create stronger, loyal relationships.

These benefits have long been promoted to member galvanizers as reasons to submit a project to the awards.  So, if we look beyond those standard benefits, what else can submitting an Excellence Award do to help your business?  One new benefit for projects submitted to the Lifetime Achievement is the potential inclusion in the Galvanized Steel Studies (GSS) video series. These videos showcase the longevity of hot-dip galvanized steel by focusing on projects that have been in service for at least ten years. One to two people involved with each project are interviewed about the galvanized steels performance, as well as why it was chosen and how it has affected their view towards galvanizing other steel projects. These videos offer a great way for the AGA and galvanizers to show specifiers just how great hot-dip galvanized steel performs in a variety of environments. Furthermore, if your project is selected as a GSS video, it would be a great promotional item you can post on Social Media, embed it on your website, share with specifiers and customers, etc. 


For newly galvanized projects, a potential hidden benefit is the Global Galvanizing Awards. Every three years, the AGA submits approximately four projects representing North America in the Global Galvanizing Awards, a program tied to InterGalva that  recognizes galvanized projects on an international level. Projects such as the Cliffwalk at Capilano Suspension Bridge and the Morris Arboretum have been recognized as Highly Commended projects at these awards in 2015 and 2012 respectively. Theres no better way to have your project receive global industry recognition than this!

Now, beyond the recognition and exposure you will receive from the AGAs promotion and use of your projects, there are a number of ways you can use an Excellence Award to your advantage particularly when it comes to digital marketing initiatives. Share it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., and post pictures of the project or your winning certificate. Create a press release to send out to your local media contacts, and publish it on your website so users can have another way to find out about the win. If your project was chosen to be a part of the Galvanized Steel Studies video series, share it on your website and social media pages or, create your own video showcasing your winning project(s)! This gives your customers and followers a great look into the actual project details. Link your posts and releases back to the projects page on the AGA Project Gallery. This way they can download the brochure and find out more specific information regarding the project. Lastly, dont forget to thank everyone involved in the project! This is a great way to build your relationship with your client. Mention them on Social Media and link to their Social Media if they have it. 

The submission form is up and running on the AGA Project Gallery, so get those projects in early! This year, in order to get all projects in before the holidays so judging can be completed before the Annual Conference in early March, the due date has been moved up two weeks to December 18, 2015. Although anyone who was involved with a project is welcome to submit, collaborating with all parties involved providing the most complete and descriptive entry as possible is highly recommended.  Winners will be announced at the AGA's Annual Conference in March 2016.