AGA Launches Transportation Microsite
On 9/1/11, the American Galvanizers Association (AGA) will launch an in-depth micro-website at www.gowithgalvanizing.com examining the advantages, cost, sustainability, and durability of hot-dip galvanized steel in the transportation industry. The site is a comprehensive resource for anyone wishing to study the use of galvanized steel in bridges, highways, or airports, or commercial freight and passenger rail.
America is a nation on the go. Whether traveling across bridges and highways, moving along train tracks, or flying the friendly skies, we are constantly on the move, and the country allocates billions of dollars to support this transportation infrastructure system.
Unfortunately, the annual direct cost of corrosion for highway bridges is estimated to be $6.3 to $10.15 billion. This means to protect our investment in transportation infrastructure, the specter of corrosion in our bridges, highways, and mass transit systems must be addressed to ensure steel structures will last long into the future. Explore the advantages of utilizing hot-dip galvanized steel, examining cost, sustainability and durability, and see transportation projects can benefit when you go with galvanizing.
After studying the individual advantages for each sector of the transportation market, research data that reveals the initial savings, savings in use, and life-cycle savings of galvanized steel in the transportation industry as a whole, and determine how empirical data from an independent Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) reveals galvanized steel as a sustainable solution for an ever-expanding, critical market.
This site was developed to be a go-to resource for those working in any aspect of the transportation industry, from bridges, highway products, mechanically stabilized earth, and reinforcing steel to airport and commercial train infrastructure. Visit www.gowithgalvanizing.com to see how galvanized steel can benefit your energy endeavors.