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Steel products come in contact with one another
Example of a Contact Mark

A type of surface defect is caused when steel parts come in contact with one another or are stuck together during the galvanizing process. This usually occurs when many small products are hung on the same fixture, creating the chance products may become connected or overlapped during the galvanizing process, as illustrated in the image to the right. The galvanizer is responsible for proper handling of all steel parts in order to avoid defects from products in contact.

Touch mark surface defects
Example of a Touch Mark

A similar type of surface defect is known as a touch mark, which is a damaged or uncoated area on the surface of the product. Touch marks are caused by galvanized products resting on one another or by the material handling equipment used during the galvanizing operation.  Touch marks, shown in the image to the left, are cause for rejection, but may be repaired if the size meets the specification requirement for repairable areas.

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