Night Song Light Sculpture
Fort Worth, TX United States | 2011
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The duel communication towers are located in a remote inland area. The towers are so top secret that the exact location is not disclosed except that it is not in North America. They both stand a staggering 1,542' tall, which makes them the tallest publicly recorded guided towers in the world by over 339'. Once a structure of this magnitude is erected, it is very costly to do preventative maintenance on the corrosion. Hot-dip galvanizing with a duplex system was chosen to utilize the benefits of the synergistic effects while providing the safety of white and red alternating colors.
Special handling equipment and racks were used after galvanizing to ensure the structure and coating would not be damaged during the long transport. Along with the main structure of the tower painted red and white, the top ring is also a duplex system painted orange. The top ring was assembled in the yard prior to galvanizing to insure there would be no delays given the remote location of the site.
Newly Complete
Duplex Systems
Electrical, Utility & Communication
Restricted, United States
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Ease of Specifying, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG
The entire tower.
Steel: 1000
HDG: 1000
Tower Innovations
Tower Innovations
Tower Innovations
AZZ Galvanizing - Muncie
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