King George Water Park
Richmond, BC Canada | 1999
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A galvanized playground provides children with good wholesome exercise and they return home with no rust on themselves or their clothes, keeping moms happy! Also, HDG requires no re-painting or other maintenance to the playground equipment.
Hot-dip galvanizing was chosen because of its coating durability, corrosion performance, and long maintenance-free life.
The customer designed, fabricated and installed the "Pipeosaurus Dinosaur" into an existing painted playground. Hot-dip galvanizing was chosen because of its coating durability, corrosion performance and long maintenance free life. After all, it is in the Dinosaur family.
The customer delivered the "Pipeosaurus Dinosaur" to the galvanizer in three sections. This allowed for it be be hot dip galvanized with the best quality inside and out. The neck, body and tail are 30 feet in length overall.
Newly Complete
Recreation & Entertainment
Leesville, SC United States
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Ease of Specifying, Initial Cost, Life-Cycle Cost, Quality of HDG, Sustainability
The entire project.
Steel: .65
HDG: .65
Steve Ringer
Valmont Coatings - Columbia Galvanizing
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