Canyon Ski Resort - Lift Poles
Park City, UT United States | 1997
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Beams, line towers, gondola towers, extensions, handrail, rocker arms, tube frames, and support tubes were hot-dip galvanized, totaling over 150 tons (136 tonnes) of steel. The extremely harsh Alpine environment of the mountainous terrain of Utah called for a low maintenance, high endurance and long lasting coating. Thanks to the education of the engineer by the American Galvanizers Association, there were few problems with the galvanizing process and an outstanding finished product was delivered.
Newly Complete
Recreation & Entertainment
Park City, UT United States
Corrosion Performance
Beams, line towers, gondola towers, extensions, handrail, rocker arms, tube frames, and support tubes.
Poma of American
Poma of American
Poma of American
Poma of American, Rex Industries
Valmont Coatings - Intermountain Galvanizing
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