Concord Substation
Cleburne, TX United States | 2009
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Over the next 25 years, North Americas energy demand is expected to rise approximately 30 percent. According to corrosion studies, the annual cost of corrosion in the electric utility market is $6.9 billion while approximately $3 billion is being spent on maintaining the systems. With the investment in maintenance falling short of the corrosion costs, the grid continues to degrade year after year. Maintaining and upgrading the power grid is one of the most important investments for future generations.
One critical component of upgrading and expanding the power grid is protecting the transmission and distribution structures for generations. Hot-dip galvanized steel plays a key role in the past, present, and future power infrastructure. The Tulsa Port of Catoosa chose to utilize hot-dip galvanized steel in the construction and expansion of the port substation to ensure longevity and cost-effectiveness. The advantages of competing corrosion protection solutions, such as paint and weathering steel, cannot compete with those of hot-dip galvanizing. The selection of hot-dip galvanized steel to expand this critical infrastructure will ensure the reliable delivery of electric service to the Tulsa Port of Catoosa for generations to come.
Newly Complete
Electrical, Utility & Communication
Catoosa, OK United States
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Life-Cycle Cost, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG, Sustainability
All of the steel pole structures, support tubes, channels, and mounting brackets are hot-dip galvanized.
Steel: 70
HDG: 70
Chris Tyler
Valmont Newmark
Valmont Coatings - Oklahoma Galvanizing
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