Downtown Dadleland Residential Condominiums
Miami, FL United States | 2009
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The Lux Building in Madison Wis., not only boasts beautiful views from the rooftop terrace with a pool, but features a state-of-the art automated parking structure that will park and retrieve your car for you.
Galvanizing was used on 50 tons of the interior, exterior plates and railings, which will provide the building with corrosion resistance that will not require maintenance for many years to come.
For a video on how the automate parking structure works and further explanation, see the video below.
The 12-story, 750-sq. -ft. condominium building (alternately called Johnson Bend) located at 433 W. Johnson St. in Madison Wis., has 160 custom units all within walking distance to downtown Madison, including Capitol Square, State Street, Kohl Center, and Overture Center.
It is significant that this building and its affiliated parking structure used galvanizing when constructed. Why does this matter? It's notable because it not only brings recognition to galvanizing and its importance, but it shows how a modern and iconic structure uses it in construction.
All of the front plates and railings on the building were designed with an artistic flare, giving the building a striking look. Galvanizing was used on 50 tons of the interior, exterior plates and railings, which will provide the building with corrosion resistance that will not require maintenance for many years to come. This is important to both the owner, developer and tenants of the structure to keep the building in excellent condition as well as being a smart economic decision for the building's owner.
Galvanizing the plates and rails made sense in a myriad of ways. Transportation, maintenance, appearance and cost were all factors in the design. Conducting maintenance and repairs at this height is not easy or inexpensive so the longevity of the galvanizing makes perfect economic sense. (An indirect benefit is safety because the building will remain corrosion free for many years to come, which a maintenance crew will not have to make repairs at a 12-story height.)
Galvanizing the plates and railings will keep their Life-Cycle cost at a minimum compared to other coating systems. With Wisconsin's seasons being a harsh environment on the steel. Rain, snow and humidity all contribute to the corrosion of steel. Without proper protection structures do not have a chance in this environment. This company recognized the demand for a product that would stand up in this environment and look great for decades. The plates give the building a striking look not only during the day but at dusk the building looks amazing from all angles.
The fabricator and project were all within 150 miles of the galvanizer's location keeping transportation costs down as well.
To learn more about the building and why use of galvanizing is a win for the galvanizing industry, go to
Newly Complete
Building & Architecture
Madison, WI United States
Aesthetics, Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Initial Cost, Life-Cycle Cost, Sustainability
Front Plates
Railings (tube)
Parking Structure elements
Steel: 220
HDG: 50
John Sutton
Sutton Architecture
Douglas Kee AIA
Kee Architecture
Ann Finley
Skyline Steel
Jerry Raflik
Skyline Steel
Doug Thompson
Skyline Steel
AZZ Galvanizing - Dixon
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