SOHO Beach House Condominiums
Miami, FL United States | 2010
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The Gahanna Creekside Condominium complex is the first of its kind in the up-and-coming area east of Columbus, Ohio, where the new businesses, homes, and professional offices are under construction. The highly visible units required a unique look, as well as a practical one to complement the appearance of the gated community.
The galvanized coating was the perfect choice to withstand the elements and preserve the paints hard outside finish.
The builder, a long-time believer in using galvanized steel for outdoor applications, chose to hot-dip galvanize all exposed steel and finish with a COLORZINQ system of powder coat atop the HDG coating. The galvanized coating was the perfect choice to withstand the elements and preserve the paints hard outside finish. The quality of the galvanizing product was of utmost importance. Extra handling considerations were necessary to preserve the outer layer of the powder coat during the installation of the material. The powder coat over the HDG surface ensured the paint would adhere with an extremely hard finish.
The project saw 250,000 pounds of structural steel treated with HDG, including all railings and balconies on the outskirts of each unit. With HDGs durability rating, its ease in specifying, its corrosion performance, and low maintenance concerns, it proved to be the perfect compliment to the project that will preserve the appearance of the complex for decades.
Newly Complete
Building & Architecture
Duplex Systems
Gahanna, OH United States
Coating Durability
Balconies and railings.
Steel: 125
HDG: 125
The Stonehenge Company
Bird-Houk Architecture
Gahanna-Creekside Investments, LLC
V&S Columbus Galvanizing
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