Fallen Warrior Memorial
Lebanon County, PA United States | 2009
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Shining through the night in remembrance of those who suffered in one of historys greatest tragedies, the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center Name Plates sear the monikers of a group of people whose legacy will not be forgotten.
As the nameplates age and endure sun and storm, the galvanized coating will continue protecting the tribute for generations.
After three years of construction on the museum itself, these name plates were some of the final elements to complete this project of heart and memory.
Expected to be one of the last memorials to be constructed with input and collaboration with living Holocaust survivors, the museum took great care in selecting the materials that would create the final product. Museum officials had to choose between stainless steel, copper, painted, and galvanized plates for the 72 memorial pieces. With careful consideration, they chose hot-dip galvanized steel as the medium for their vision.
Desiring a natural, attractive finish that would age with grace, the officials chose a durable, 100% natural and recyclable zinc coating that will protect the plates from any undue signs of rust or corrosion for the next 75 years or more. The dependable hot-dip galvanized coating will protect the pieces from the daily onslaught of exposure to the elements and spray from the surrounding reflection pool fountains.
The letters for each name were carved out by waterjetting, then each plate was wired and hung to create a uniform removal pattern when drawn from the zinc bath; as a result, all of the plates had a smooth finish similar in appearance. Then the plates were mounted over plastic and lit from behind to illuminate the names in the darkness.
A quick turnaround was necessary for the pieces to be mounted and ready for the grand opening of the site in April 2009. The opening gala was attended by Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Illinois Governer Pat Quinn, and Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel. As the name plates age and endure sun and storm, the galvanized coating will continue protecting the tribute for generations.
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Civic Contribution
Skokie, IL United States
Dan Waters
M.W. Galvanizing
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