City of Claremore Skate Park
Claremore, OK United States | 2008
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The Corinne Jones Playground shading and seating structure, is a student project (Studio V) by the Clemson Architecture Center in Charleston, SC. The segmented concrete wall curves around the existing sidewalk, providing seating overlooking the playground. Ten wooden trusses are inserted between key blocks to create the shading and benches. The steel 2 x 2 louvers are tabbed and twisted 90° prior to being attached to the beam structure to create a unique twisted shading pattern above the poured concrete blocks and benches. Hot-dip galvanizing was the preferred coating system used for the steel portion of this project, due to the salt water environment in Charleston, SC. This very durable, corrosion protecting coating, allows for very limited maintenance in such climates.
Newly Complete
Civic Contribution
Recreation & Entertainment
Charleston, SC United States
Aesthetics, Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Life-Cycle Cost, Quality of HDG, Sustainability
2" x 2" Angle
Steel: 0.5
HDG: 0.5
David Pastre
Clemlson Univeristy, City of Charleston, Charleston Parks Conservancy
Valmont Coatings - Columbia Galvanizing
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