Champion Carrier Truck Frames
Hermitage, PA United States | 2007
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Towmaster prides itself on building tough trailers built for tough duty. In 2010, they made the decision to start hot-dip galvanizing their trailers as a competitive advantage. Originally, Towmaster was a little concerned about galvanizings finish, as they were competing with painted trailers. However, they knew hot-dip galvanizing would provide a longer life for their trailers keeping them looking great longer than painted counterparts and ultimately saving money.
Towmaster is able to utilize the galvanized trailers two to three times longer than the painted ones...
With that in mind, Towmaster collaborated with the galvanizer during the design of the trailer to be sure every square inch of exposed surface would be coated. Working together, the design engineers were able to ensure 98% of every trailer is galvanized, and thus afforded a long maintenance-free life, even after continual exposure to road salts. In addition to economic savings, Towmaster is able to utilize the galvanized trailers two to three times longer than the painted ones, which also conserves natural resources. Thanks to Towmasters forward thinking and specification of hot-dip galvanizing, their trailers will lead the way in sustainability, sustainability, and cost effectiveness for generations.
Newly Complete
Original Equipment Manufacturing
Norwood Young America, MN United States
Aesthetics, Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Ease of Specifying, Initial Cost, Life-Cycle Cost, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG, Sustainability
Trailer frames, dump bodies, tailgates, hitches, ramps, brackets, fenders, cross members, and railings.
Towmaster Trailers
AZZ Galvanizing - Winsted
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