Potawatomi Zoo - Masamba's New Home
South Bend, IN United States | 2019
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The team at the Tanganyika Wildlife Park houses many unique animals that many in the Midwest don’t typically see on a regular basis, one of them being the white rhino.
Hot-dip galvanizing proved to be the perfect option for the enclosure due to its corrosion protection from being in the elements, its aesthetic appeal, cost savings, low maintenance and the ability to hold up to these extremely strong animals.
This one-of-a-kind zoo saw 131 rare and endangered animals born last year at the park and in total houses over 500 animals. As for visitors at the park, in 2021 there were approximately 134,000 zoo-goers, and that number is expected to rise exponentially due to various improvements around the park.
The first of many updates included hot-dip galvanizing the enclosure of the white rhinos. This addition was not only necessary in creating a safe and pleasurable environment for the endangered species but also gave the employees of the park more time to spend creating connections between park visitors and the rhinos.
Hot-dip galvanizing proved to be the perfect option for the enclosure due to its corrosion protection from being in the elements, its aesthetic appeal, cost savings, low maintenance and the ability to hold up to these extremely strong animals. Any other paint method would easily rub or scape off, but hot-dip galvanizing is a universal option that works well for most zoo animals because of its durability.
The company that hot-dip galvanized the enclosure was able to efficiently dip many large pieces because of its large kettle size and meet all deadlines for the project. This was pivotal because it was the first step of many improvements that will roll out in the upcoming years.
Not only will the hot-dip galvanized enclosure encourage community involvement with the park years down the road but will also allow guests to enjoy the extraordinary white rhinos for future generations to come.
Newly Complete
Recreation & Entertainment
Goddard, KS United States
Coating Durability
The entire enclosure.
Steel: 19
HDG: 19
Josh Price
Tanganyika Park
Valmont Coatings - Salina Galvanizing
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