Hollywood Casino, Columbus
Columbus, OH United States | 2012
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The Pacific Visions project is a significant expansion to the Aquarium of the Pacific, one of the largest aquariums in the United States. The new wing houses a state-of-the-art immersive theater, expanded special exhibition space, art galleries, and also includes a new front plaza. The two-story, 300-seat Honda Pacific Visions Theater includes a 32-ft-tall by 130-ft wide screen, curved in a 180-degree arc, and a 30-ft-diameter floor projection disc to immerse visitors in a virtual ocean environment.
One of the most interesting aspects of the project so far was the use of several hundred grout injected columns, installed about 60 to 80 ft deep in the ground to stabilize the building.
The $53 million, 29,000-sq-ft project is designed as a sustainable biomorphic glass structure that inspires an image of the Pacific Ocean. Pacific Visions has a unique glass façade that doubles as a ventilated rain screen, made up of more than 800 non-reflective glass panels covering an area of 18,000 sq-ft.
To provide secure anchorage for the panels, the Engineer designed the structure following four principal guidelines: Support the glass panels in the most efficient way, Connect back to the existing structure where it has sufficient capacities, Minimize the amount of penetrations through the envelope and Account for seismic movements. Hot-dip galvanized steel tubes were selected for its strength and corrosion protection.
Newly Complete
Building & Architecture
Tropical Marine
Long Beach, CA United States
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Ease of Specifying, Initial Cost, Life-Cycle Cost, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG, Sustainability, Turnaround Time
Structural Skeleton for Architectural Glass Skin
Steel: 190
HDG: 60
Aquarium of the Pacific
Clark Construction
Newport Industrial Fab, Inc.
Duncan Galvanizing Corp.
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