CPT Combination Pole Trailer
Manheim, PA United States | 2016
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PACCAR is a leader in the design, manufacturing, and customer support of premium trucks under the Kenworth and Peterbilt nameplates in North America. In support of this industry, PACCAR distributes truck parts to their principal businesses.
PACCAR is a leader in the design, manufacturing, and customer support of premium trucks under the Kenworth and Peterbilt nameplates in North America. In support of this industry, PACCAR distributes truck parts to their principal businesses.
While PACCAR is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, they have multiple assembly plants throughout North America. The shipping racks pictured are examples of racks designed by PACCAR engineers to house, handle, and deliver parts to the assembly plants in Denton-Texas, Chillicothe-Ohio, Renton-Washington, Ste. Therese-Quebec, Mexicali-Baja California, and Columbus-Mississippi.
PACCAR has parts suppliers all across North America and need the coating durability, corrosion performance, and longevity that Hot Dip Galvanizing (HDG) provides to help keep their life-cycle cost down. Moreover, for over 20 years, PACCAR has used their manufacturing facilities as a sales tool to prospective buyers and the galvanized racks holding ready-to-use parts are a key measure to presenting a clean, organized, efficient, and high-quality manufacturing process. All steel components of each rack are hot dip galvanized individually and then assembled in the fabricators’ shops prior to being placed into production. Once the racks are ready for rotation, they are sent to the part supplier to be loaded with truck parts and shipped to the designated assembly plant to complete the truck build.
Each rack is carefully and painstakingly designed for each individual part that they will hold, whether that be a radiator, sidewall, roof, door, or any other individual part that is used in the truck assembly process.
With a wide variety of parts and multiple plant locations, PACCAR depends on several fabricators throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico to produce high quality and fully functioning shipping containers. The racks shown here were built by Castillo Durrett Enterprises (CDE) located in Ponder, Texas. CDE has been a valued supplier of PACCAR since 2006. With a small workforce of 20, CDE manages to build thousands of racks a year and repair even more.
Newly Complete
Original Equipment Manufacturing
HURST, TX United States
Aesthetics, Coating Durability, Life-Cycle Cost, Sustainability
Tubing, Angles, Channels, Fasteners
Steel: 2000
HDG: 2000
Mike Durrett
Castillo Durrett Enterprises
Marty Pound
AZZ Galvanizing - Hurst
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