Tri-Met North Terminal Project
Portland, OR United States | 1993
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The MBTA of Boston has a long history of galvanizing their structural steel. The architect contacted the galvanizer as they were concerned with meeting LEED credit with using HDG. They were educated and surprised to find that instead of it being a negative on this project it would be much more than just a plus.
The MBTA office received a seminar on sustainability, and we were surprised that as much galvanized steel as they had specified over the years, they did not realize all of benefits other than just corrosion protection and economics.
Newly Complete
Building & Architecture
Duplex Systems
Boston, MA United States
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Initial Cost, Life-Cycle Cost, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG, Sustainability
The entire structural railings, platforms, and canopies.
Steel: 60
HDG: 60
Atlantic Bridge Company
Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority
V&S Taunton Galvanizing LLC
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