Jackson Tube Sign Sculpture
Piqua, OH United States | 2001
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Centered in a busy courtyard, twists and turns the most recent addition to the Warner Center in Woodlands Hills, California. The Warner Center was designed to relieve traffic to and from neighboring downtown Los Angeles and generate jobs in the San Fernando Valley. This sculpture adorns the center with a complex twisting of thin steel. This configuration of steel makes future access to the structure difficult.
The sculpture featured a bright and metallic finish...
The artwork was hot-dip galvanized (HDG) in order to avoid the potential maintenance complications. Because of the complex composition, the artwork required special attention when dipping, venting and draining the individual pieces. After galvanizing, the sculpture featured a bright and metallic finish that provided a great contrast to the clear blue California sky. Galvanized and radiant, the Warner Center courtyard artwork will please the eyes of onlookers tomorrow and beyond.
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Woodland Hills, CA United States
Corrosion Performance
Rock bed, branches, leaves, and miscellaneous associated artwork.
Steel: 5
HDG: 5
Steven Glassman
Fabriweld Bending & Fab
Fabriweld Bending & Fab
Valmont Coatings - Intermountain Galvanizing
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