Agriculture Bulk Material Handling Equipment
Springfield, OH United States | 2010
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Union Iron, manufacturers of temporary grain storage units, sells their product to many customers scattered across the United States. These grain storage units are often times located near major interstates and highways making them highly visible to passing vehicles.
Based on the specific location of some of the storage units, corrosion can be a huge problem based on the environment. To combat this issue, Union Iron commissions all of its grain storage units to be hot-dip galvanized for performance against corrosive elements. Union Iron uses the hot-dip galvanizing product to eliminate long turnaround times during the busy times of grain season. This provides the customer with a high quality product, with little waiting time to get the grain into the storage units with little downtime. In particular, the Decatur, Illinois location had 500 tons of structural steel coated with HDG including all supports and structural conveyor parts to provide uninterrupted, maintenance-free service that will remain corrosion free for the life of the product.
Newly Complete
Food & Agriculture
Decatur, IL United States
Quality of HDG
All supports and structural conveyor parts.
Steel: 500
HDG: 500
Union Iron Works
AZZ Galvanizing - Dixon
AZZ Galvanizing - Peoria
AZZ Galvanizing - Joliet
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