Supreme Manufacturing Eight-Yard Modular Dredge
Ross, OH United States | 2003
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Paragon Vineyards in California needed a way to handle wastewater from the winery and provide irrigation for the vineyard. An aerated lagoon was the answer. However, stainless steel aerators are costly, and galvanizing was a less expensive option that didnï¾t sacrifice efficiency. The aerators were specified for a duplex system of galvanizing and paint to increase their corrosion protection. The aerators are in a very harsh environment, which includes wastewater treatment products and the humid Pacific Coast climate. The duplex coating stands up to the harsh environment, affords the customer a longer product life than galvanizing or painting alone, and costs less than using stainless steel. The duplex coated aerators will help the Paragon Vineyards continue to thrive for many generations.
Newly Complete
Water & Marine
Tropical Marine
San Luis Obispo, CA United States
Initial Cost
Floating brush rotors, angel frames and arms, anchoring frames and cradle
HDG: 3
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