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The Pennsylvania Turnpike, known as America’s first superhighway, is increasing efficiency of traffic flow by implementing numerous Open Road Tolling Systems. Open Road Tolling (ORT) is a cashless, free-flowing method of collecting tolls without traditional toll plazas or tollbooths. This increases mobility and efficiency for the 86% of customers that already use the PA EZ-Pass system. For those who choose not to use the system, they still get the benefits of the ORT by using the toll by plate program.
The ORT program is estimated to save the PA turnpike over $25 million per year. This savings will translate into more efficient programs to aid commuters in traveling with less interruptions and increased safety.
"This project was an easy selection to be hot-dip galvanized, as most projects on the Pennsylvania Turnpike are."
This project was an easy selection to be hot-dip galvanized, as most projects on the turnpike are. It was then painted to give the benefit of a duplex system. Next to the monotube gantry is a stone façade building that houses the system with the capability to transmit data through the fiber optic network to the Turnpike’s Customer Service Center.
This efficient non-stop process not only will save millions of dollars, with potential for more implementation, but it will also cut down on emissions and fuel as commuters will not have to reduce speed or stop to pay a toll. By utilizing a paint over galvanized duplex system, the synergistic protection effect will provide corrosion protection of this project for many decades to come.
Newly Complete
Pennsylvania Turnpike, PA United States
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Life-Cycle Cost
Monotube Gantry Structure
Steel: 28
HDG: 28
Penn Fab
Color Works Painting
V&S Delaware Galvanizing LLC
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