MTA Subway Signs
New York, NY United States | 2010
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Visible to the millions of passengers that pass by every day, the galvanized steel of the New York City Bus Shelters stand corrosion-free under the daily hardships of life on the New York streets. With the constant onslaught of sun, rain, snow, road chemicals, and pollutants, painted steel would be cracking under the pressure.
All 500 tons of structural steel members, including tubing and side and roof panels, required a smooth finish, free of zinc build-up and smooth to the touch.
Galvanized steel, on the other hand, will provide decades of maintenance-free corrosion protection. The specifier chose to utilize galvanized steel for just that reason, to avoid the costly entanglements of routine repair the idea was to put the bus shelters up and forget about them. In addition to the maintenance-free nature of galvanized steel, graffiti can also be easily removed from galvanized steel by power washing.
All 500 tons of structural steel members, including tubing and side and roof panels, required a smooth finish, free of zinc build-up and smooth to the touch. With truckloads of steel coming in from multiple steel suppliers, no other coating could have been applied as quickly. The quick turnaround of the factory-controlled hot-dip galvanizing process allowed the galvanizer to match the different components together and ship them to the different sites complete and fast.
Durable and maintenance-free, these bus shelters are taking advantage of the most superior corrosion protection system available. Located throughout the five boroughs of New York City, these structures will stand strong and corrosion free for generations of New York public transportation advocates architects vision to exist free of corrosion.
Newly Complete
New York, NY United States
Coating Durability
All structural steel tubing, side and roof panels.
Steel: 500
HDG: 500
Hi-Tech Metal
V&S Amboy Galvanizing
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