MTA Subway Signs
New York, NY United States | 2010
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San Francisco Power and Light required galvanizing for corrosion protection in the harsh atmospheric marine environment and also desired a paint system to aesthetically match the theme of San Francisco. Their solution is an excellent example of a duplex coating system. Duplex systems are a combination of galvanizing and an organic coating. The protective value of the duplex system is greater than the sum of the protective value of the individual coatings. The organic coating protects the zinc coating aginst premature oxidation and weathering and the galvanized coating (alloyed to the steel surface) prevents the formation of rust on the steel. Duplex coatings are commonly used when either the environment of use is too corrosive for the galvanized coating alone throughout its design life or when other factors such as color or electrical insulation are required.
Newly Complete
Duplex Systems
Temperate Marine
San Francisco, CA United States
Corrosion Performance
Light and Traffic Signal Poles.
San Francisco Power and Light
Ameron Pole Division
AZZ Galvanizing - Rockford
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