Stoneham Arch Bridge Highway 73
Stoneham, QC Canada | 2012
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The Muskingum River Parkway was built to replace an existing historic bridge, spanning the Muskingum River and old canal bed. The project separates the downtown and historic districts, and the overall design incorporates a nostalgic look from years past and the community in which it is located. The Ohio DOT had seen the cost savings and performance benefits of other galvanized steel bridges, and previous experience led them to specify a duplex system of paint over hot-dip galvanizing for the railing system.
Ohio DOT had seen the cost savings and performance benefits of other galvanized steel bridges...
The finished railing was specified to be painted black after galvanizing to coordinate with the color of the decorative lighting on the bridge. The bridge railing and fascia beams were painted not only for aesthetics, but to also provide an additional barrier coating for the steel members. The paint will enhance the service life of the galvanized structures, providing 1.5 to 2 times the expected life of the project.
Like many Ohio roads and city streets, the ornamental bridge railing will be subjected to the effects of winter road salts and normal road debris such as small stones. The railings also must provide safety for pedestrians crossing the bridge galvanized steel will keep these elements structurally safe from the ravages of corrosion.
The bridge is on a heavily traveled main route in and out of the city. Its proximity to the downtown area and the use of the river by recreational boaters makes it imperative to limit future maintenance costs and down time for maintenance. Hot-dip galvanizing was the best solution to provide maximum corrosion protection for the open grid deck in the lift span and the supporting steel bridge beams. The galvanized steel railings, grating and bridge beams will be subjected to winter road salts, as well as normal pollutants from nearby industry and traffic. Galvanized steel will keep this project looking attractive and rust-free, while protecting it from the daily onslaught of moisture and corrosion.
Newly Complete
Bridge & Highway
Temperate Marine
Zanesville, OH United States
Aesthetics, Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Ease of Specifying, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG
Bridge grating on the lift span, ornamental bridge railings, curb angles, bridge beams, channel diaphragms, and all fasteners.
Steel: 168
HDG: 168
Ohio DOT District 5
High Steel Structures Inc., L.B. Foster Co., Osburn Associates, Inc.
C.J. Mahan Construction Co., Midwest Tank Services, Inc.
Ohio DOT Office of Production
Gregory Galvanizing and Metal Processing
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