Lake Erie Biofuels Plant
Erie, PA United States | 2007
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The Louis Dreyfus soybean-based biodiesel facility is the largest integrated biodiesel plant in the world. Their motto, "Were Burnin the Bean" represents their projections of producing 88 million gallons of biodiesel and one million tons of soy bean meal to be used to help feed Indiana farmers livestock.
As an alternative fuel, biofuel will assist rural America and provide the agriculture industry with renewable energy sources that can become part of the solution to the United States fuel production woes. Citing the plant as a vital piece to the companies future, Robert Louis-Dreyfuss chose to use the hot-dip galvanizing to provide long-term corrosion with no routine maintenance to halt the 24/7 daily operations. The plant used the HDG process to coat 550 tons of exposed structural steel, including beams, columns, ladders, platforms, stairs, and handrails. The fabricator noted the ease of specifying as a benefit to HDG over paint. The durability of HDG provides abrasion resistance that will extend the life of the plant and help keep the plant consuming 50 million bushels of soybeans per year.
Newly Complete
Claypool, IN United States
All exposed structural steel including beams, columns, ladders, platforms, stairs, and handrails.
HDG: 550
Emans Engineering, Engineering Resources, and Spring Engineering
PWC Fabricators, Inc.
AZZ Galvanizing - Plymouth
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