Las Vegas Motor Speedway - Dale Earnhardt Terrace
Las Vegas, NV United States | 2003
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When the track was initially built, the entire bleacher structure was hot-dip galvanized. So, to match all existing steel, the specification called for hot-dip galvanizing. The addition and expansion consisted of structural steel columns, floor and stringer beams, and all connections and splice plates. There was a tight schedule to get all the steel fabricated and coated. The galvanizing was able to fit perfectly within that timeframe. Continuous communication between the galvanizer, fabricator, and the job site personnel made getting the correct columns and subsequent beams in the appropriate places and in the proper staging sequence an efficient task.
Newly Complete
Recreation & Entertainment
Fontana, CA United States
Turnaround Time
All structural steel columns, floor and stringer beams and all connection & splice plates.
HDG: 240
Penske Motor Sports
Orange County Erections
JR Miller & Associates
Himes, Peter, Jepson Architects, Inc.
Los Angeles Galvanizing Co.
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